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We are exhibiting at Rise4Disability

Uniting Health Professionals and service providers with the disability community.

Local Health and Social Care professionals, organisations, and individuals from the North East region come together to share insights, showcase innovations, and improve outcomes through more effective collaboration.

Community Campaigns
Be part of our campaign for change by sharing your thoughts at our round table discussions. Led by community advocates and ambassadors. Addressing crucial topics for the disabled community, such as: Mental Health, Independent Living, Education, Travel, Accessibility, Financial, Legal and Employment.

Therapy Integration Conference & Practical Workshops
The Threpay Integration Conference is a platform for AHPs to share their expertise within their specific disciplines. In addition, practical workshops conducted by RISE’s in-house AHP's, requested and coordinated by local health and social care networks.

Exhibition Hall
Explore the latest innovations and source your local information services and charities, in the RISE exhibition hall. Network and offer your perspective to shape the future of our industry.
