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Complaints procedure

All complaints (*see guidance note) will be handled in an efficient, professional and non-confrontational manner and in accordance with our procedures.

Step 1
You can make a complaint by telephone, email or in writing. The first step is to contact the Workplace Team Manager, providing them with the details of your complaint. You can contact them by email at [email protected] or by telephone on 01204 322 333. Tell them the problem and they will try to resolve your complaint for you. If not, we will contact you by telephone or email within one working day.

Step 2
If you are not satisfied with the answer you received at step one, or you don't want to contact the Workplace Team Manager and / or are unable to contact us by telephone, you can complete the online form on our website with your name and contact details and click send. A senior manager will then investigate your complaint. We aim to give you a full reply by letter or email within three working days.

Step 3
If you are not satisfied with the outcome you can ask for your complaint to be looked at by the Managing Director. The Managing Director will review your complaint and will give you a full reply by letter or email within three working days.

*Guidance note
A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction by a customer whereby company policy, procedure or service level has not been delivered.

Complaints procedure form

How did you find us:
Marketing email
Search engine
Word of mouth
Medical professional recommendation
Linkedin/social media
Ability Needs magazine
SAGA magazine
Existing customer/I have used your services previously

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