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Pathway through Pain

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Pathway through Pain

Pathway through Pain offers a quick and flexible way to support employees with challenges related to chronic musculoskeletal pain to remain in and be productive at work.

Pathway through Pain is an effective, discreet and accessible digital program that empowers participants with the skills and knowledge to effectively overcome barriers in the workplace.

This is achieved through the practice of pain self-management methods, and cognitive approaches learnt throughout the program.

Pathway through Pain can effectively complement and enhance strategies implemented by job coaches, mentors, VRCs or MHSSs.

Quick Guide - Pathway through Pain


  • Quick and simple to get started
  • Participants learn to recognise and reduce pain triggers
  • Build positive habits to prevent escalations in pain
  • Easily accessible on-demand to discretely practise skills at work
  • Regular feedback to recognise progress and maintain motivation
  • Reduction in anxiety, depression, and trouble with concentration
  • Increase in confidence in the ability to do work, cope with pain and live a normal lifestyle.


Reduction in anxiety, depression, and trouble concentrating on things


Improvement in overall confidence


Improvement in ability to do work, despite the pain


Improvement in confidence in coping with pain without medication


Improvement in confidence in living a normal lifestyle, despite the pain

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is it for?
Pathway through Pain is suitable for anyone with chronic/persistent (typically 6 months or more) musculoskeletal pain.

The program may be particularly beneficial where support is needed to avoid prolonged periods of sickness absence or as an alternative to increased medication at work (which can cause drowsiness and poor concentration and may be prohibited in some employment settings).

How does it work?
Pathway through Pain is a web-based digital Pain Management Program (PMP), similar to those typically delivered in face-to-face group settings by multi-disciplinary teams, but with the flexibility for participants to engage remotely and at their own pace.

The program helps people to effectively manage their pain and everyday work activities via expert-led video sessions, independent interactive practical exercises and assignments with accompanying motivational emails. Self-assessment tools help participants recognise progress and visualise outcomes, and the resource library provides tools for ongoing self-management and practice.

How long will the program take?
Participants are guided through all the elements of a PMP over 24 easy-to-manage steps. Each step varies in length, averaging 15 minutes, with a recommendation to complete a few steps per week.

They can participate at their own pace, take breaks when needed, and take as long as they like to complete the program. There are also set break points throughout the program to ensure pacing, so participants don’t do too much in one go.

Most people take around 8 weeks to complete the initial pathway, however, participants have access to program content for the length of their licence (typically either 1 or 3 years) and can return at any time to refresh and practice their skills as their pain needs change.

What will it do?
Pathway through Pain teaches participants how to effectively manage their persistent pain so that although the pain is still present they will have more confidence to manage it daily, feel emotionally stronger and be more able to cope psychologically.

Participants chart their health and wellbeing improvement by taking assessments before and after the program that measure their level of depression (PHQ-9), anxiety (GAD-7), health (EQ-VAS), and pain self-efficacy (PSEQ). This feedback helps participants to recognise progress and maintain motivation to continue practising their new skills.

Is the participants data secure?
We take data security very seriously and have achieved a number of standards to demonstrate this, including DTAC and Cyber Essentials Plus. The personal information that we collect is stored and processed in the UK (London AWS) and in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the UK Data Protection Act 2018 and the US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).